Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My blogging debut

So this a blog...

Let's get down to things, honestly I haven't yet completed "The Grapes of Wrath", but as with everything in life, before we analyze the transcendental oversoul of the book, we must decide what a transcendental oversoul is. I understand T.O. to mean that everyone is connected, and that every action we do affects everyone else. Sort of like the classic idea of whether or not a butterfly flapping his wings in California can cause a rainstorm in Central Park. So you're probably thinking about religion and how through "god" we're all connected, but I don't think that's what T.O. means, T.O. is not related to religion, it has to do with whether or not my actions affect your actions. Quite simply put, T.O. is an invisible string that connects everybody, and if one person yanks on that string we all feel it.
This is my interpretation of T.O., what do you think? What is T.O. to you?
PS: Sorry about taking so long to get on the blog
PSS: For a little "group bonding", what are your favorite movvies? Mine is "The Departed".


MJ said...

Good distinction about it not being a God thing. If you see me, I can give you some information on T.O. But I am sure you boys will be able to find plenty of information on your own. Right???

NIckB said...

hey sam. i had some stuff to say about your ideas. but i made my own post. CH-CH-CHECK IT OUT
p.s. its okay, i took even longer.
p.p.s. my favourite movie is probably ...El Miriachi..or Tombstone. yep. i can feel the bonding already.

Unknown said...

I think you're half right. I think it's mostly on what we, as humans, believe rather than just a particular entity such as religion or sort. More on that later.